Saturday, 14 April 2007

Reflective Participant: London SPILL Trip Day One

I am in LONDON....its pretty late and I am sat in some random internet cafe in the middle of Piccadilly near where I am head is just spinning...two things today.I had a meeting with Kirsty and I saw Trans Act.
OMG it is so hot...I can't believe it...too hot....ok time is limited, so I will chat very quickly about the meeting and then the show...

They sat, cold diet cokes in hand, the grass warm and moist underneath them..two good friends smiling, laughing and enjoying the heat of the day. we talked about all kinds of things but mostly about the show, my thoughts, feelings what i hoped, what I’ve got and want I want...its hard to really put it into words, we have been friends for so long and we know each other so well that our conversations are hard to chart and we follow each others thread with deft skill. She will mail me some pics when I get back from London.

The Show:
It was in the tube station and dark but strangely frightening.
I won't make an in depth analysis right now, instead I will just mention some of the things that really struck me.
She used red and green, very much in the same way that I have in the past and how I intend to in Siren Song. It was all about the audience, small and intimate. We saw the processes of performance...laid bare, laid open and questioned...normally I would have said that it was performance art but some of the processes of theatre making were specifically part of the make up of the work and were the objects of performance.

Oh, I am well tired now and need my bed

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