Saturday, 4 August 2007

Reflective Practitioner: Research Aims

After the last two rounds of experiments I need to ensure that I mamage to fully realise a ‘participative’ dramaturgy this time. I have been thinking about the research aims of the project and how these translate in a practical manner to the up and coming process- I don’t want to loose sight of my objectives again in the madness of creative practice and all that entails.

I need to:

1. Through space and architecture create a liminal space that is a social hybrid- it needs to be recognisable enough for the audience to understand the contracts of the space but not fully! The liminal space needs to be on the cusp of something new. The hybrid performance space needs to avoid being fixed and instead must straddle the slippages between life and art. Thus I MUST eliminate any barriers or divides. The performers and audience must occupy the same material and conceptual space from the very start. It is from this space that liminoid acts are possible.

2. The structure of the performance needs to operate in the same way as the space- it needs to be an invitation to ‘commit acts’, an invitation to shallow play. I need to construct the fabric of the performance out of games, rules and tasks that have their roots in life praxis rather than performance or drama.

3. Generating social hybrid space and the opportunity for play are the main objectives of this round of experiments.

In terms of the work that is needed, this is how I see our objectives in terms of the production process:

-To generate new games that will create material about HER, as an invitation to play.

-To generate more speeches

-To generate material for the tapes.

-To generate an overriding rule/game/task that marshals all of our activity as invitations for the audience to play.

These are the things that the performers will need to think about:

-their relationship to HER and the other performers/their performance presence.

-their relationship to the audience in performance and in the booth.

-generating a digital process diary/blog

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