Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Maker’s diary: New Writing

There has been some to-ing and fro-ing between the student I mentioned previously and myself; although she does not wish to perform, she really wants to offer some writing for the performance. I have sent her a writing brief and am really looking forward to reading what she produces for me. Here is the brief (I have also posted this on facebook and the portal):

Writing Brief for Siren Song

I will need extracts of text and dialogue for performance. It will be recorded by performers onto audio tapes and used as part of a game in the show. The text/dialogue needs to be between 1-6 minutes long. It can be a conversation, a phone message, a monologue, a diary extract, pretty much anything but it must be about SHE/HER. You must remember that SHE/HER is not a single character or fixed persona. I would suggest that you perhaps take a look at Martin Crimps Attempts on Her Life and Sarah Kane’s Crave as examples of the style of writing that I am looking for.

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