Sunday, 24 June 2007

Makers Diary: First Re-Development Rehearsal

I took the cast though all of the new developments in the show and explained why. We decided that we will deal with all of the textual elements first before we approach the new games. I think the performers feel more comfortable when dealing with the text because it has some relationship to formal structure and formal process….the more open elements of the games scare them a little….well they scare me a little too but that is what makes it so exciting. We managed to work on Nikki’s new text as well as the new scene….we did not get through it so will finish blocking it tomorrow in full. Nigel was really nervous but once we got into it he really relaxed and was fine. The girls however, were a little awkward and standoffish towards him but I am sure that they will warm to him soon enough. I am looking forward to tomorrow; we are so short on time we really need to crack through it all so that we have time to polish. Due to our lack of time our rehearsals are all really long and because of Nigel’s shift work…really crazy hours in the morning. I am not sure how well I am going to be able to keep up to date with the blog but I will do my best.

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