Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Makers Diary: Trainstorm

While I was riding the two trains back from Royal Holloway to Soton, I made quite a few brainstorm notes and decided that I would share them/document them:

Want to change the costumes…not the dresses but the ‘everyday clothes’
Want to change entrances and add a new text: Debbie can explore physicality and Debbie can explore breath production.
Can we inscribe the space this time? Writng on the floor with chalk?
Games, party games, drinking games and teenage games as a way of making performance with the audience.
More risk for the performers and the audience, it has to matter, it needs to matter, there has to be a reason to invest. Something has to be at stake.
Previous performance was too hermetically sealed, need to break donw the usual barriers and expected conventions of spectating associated with theatre. The audience need to be implicated in a fundamental way. The ‘new’ contract needs to be explicit and in place from the very start of the performance.

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