Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Reflective Practitioner: Re-development

I have had some time to reflect upon the first two performances and just wanted to share some of my initial ideas:

No chairs or formal seating of any kind; I want to create an entirely liminal space that both the audience and performers occupy. I do not want the audience to have to cross any barriers, either conceptual or material. Perhaps some informal seating scattered around the space rather than a block or bank…I want to avoid spectatorship.

Maybe we could build the documentation of the audience’s experiences into the actual performance. Perhaps one of the performers could take people aside into the diary room.

The audience need more creative control and creative responsibility for the performance, perhaps they could have the power to stop the texts or scenes anytime that they see fit…make them take responsibility for what they are implicated in. In fact, there needs to be more creative opportunities overall; musical chairs really worked, so perhaps more party games like pass-the –parcel as a way of collaboratively generating performance with the audience.

Food- booze?

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