Thursday 15 February 2007

Makers Diary: And so it begins

After my meeting today with Olu and Liz I feel liberated and now feel that i can start the PaR section of my thesis research. Up until now I felt that I was not in a position to start and was approaching it in a kind of clinical way. It was almost as though I needed that permission to be creative in this environment. And so it begins, I can now start the creative process. In all reality the creative process never actually starts or finishes, it is an ongoing dialogue between me and the world, where I take mental notes, sketches and rehearse enact ideas in my mind. So it is the start of applying that process to this particular project.

I am now going to go and finish some reading that I have started and then sit down with my spanky new note book and make a start on thinking about this piece of work as a director, maker, and practitioner. (Although the academic in me will lurk in the background, taking notes all the while)

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