Sunday 18 February 2007

Reflective Practitioner Diary: My Role

I have to wear two hats while making undertaking the PaR section of the research:

1. Practitioner-I have to allow myself the space and time to partake in pure practice in order for the activity to be worthwhile from an artistic perspective...otherwise it will be stilted and stayed. The work has to have an independent aspect from the research in that it has to be a piece of theatre otherwise it becomes something else.

2. Reflective Practitioner-All the while I am making, working in pure practice, I have to have one eye on myself, watching myself making and another on the research concerns. This role is the bridge between my activity of making a piece of work and writing a thesis, in adopting this role it holds the two different processes within the same framework and mediates between the two. It is by adopting this role on top of pure practice and alongside pure practice that lends the activity rigour and designates it as a research activity.

I will have to move in and out of the two roles and often wear both these hats at once. It is a complicated process and one in which I will have to be aware of myself and the roles I am playing at all times.

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