Sunday 6 May 2007

Reflective Participant-Performers

I thought about what happened this morning and so did a little research to calm my nerves...I asked myself...'What is it that I need from my performers?' and 'What is that will make them great in my opinion?' Here is my answer to those questions (for now)-

I need them to be:
-Brave (this means willing to take risks and push anything that the audience throw at them to its limits. I need them to take the games as far as they can go and challenge not only themselves but the audience).
-Imaginative (this means using the games as a simple starting point but taking them in unexpected directions and using the audiences input to create exciting and challenging moments of performance. I need them to develop the audience’s material in surprising ways and not simply take the most obvious route).
-Engaging (by this I want them to find ways of developing real relationships with the audience in the moments that present themselves, not simply to perform but to work with the audience to create the work).

If the performers can achieve these three things, I think that this will make them successful in our objectives and will in turn create a really exciting and engaging piece of participatory theatre.

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