Wednesday 30 May 2007

Reflective Practitioner: Rules=Freedom….or so it would appear

After the last few sessions, it has become evident that the tighter and stricter the rules, the more freedom is produced. Forced Entertainment seem to thrive on a more open and unstructured process but throughout this process I have not found that to be the case at all. Maybe it is the lack of performer’s confidence and experience of devising in this way or our awareness of time restrictions upon us…I am not sure but it does seem that rules=freedom in our sessions. However, Robert Wilson and Liz LeCompte do take an authorial responsibility over the devising process despite the ensemble and collaborative nature of their work. They both seem to take the reigns in a manner than Etchell’s claims not to. I do feel that my role in this process is more like Wilson and LeCompte than that of Etchells. I am not directing in a traditional sense but I am orchestrating and facilitating. I am more like a conductor of an orchestra-keeping a coherence but not adherence-allowing each skilled performer creative freedom and expression but under strict rules and tasks. Like a curator, working around a theme and set of criteria.

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